UTM Builder

UTM Builder

Optimize your ad performance using our UTM Builder. Create trackable URLs in a flash and get real-time campaign insights!

UTM Builder is an indispensable online tool for digital marketers and content creators who aim to track the effectiveness of their campaigns across various platforms. The tool simplifies the process of creating UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) parameters, allowing users to monitor where traffic is coming from, how it is getting to a site, and what campaigns are most effective in terms of engagement.

How to Use the UTM Builder

Using the UTM Builder, the process of generating a UTM-coded URL is straightforward. Here are the steps involved:

  1. Enter Your Website URL: Start by inputting the URL of the page you want to track. This should be the landing page where you want to direct traffic, such as a product page, a blog entry, or a home page.

  2. UTM Source: This parameter is used to identify the source of your traffic. For example, if you are running a Facebook ad, you might enter 'facebook' as the source. This helps you trace back the viewers to their origin.

  3. UTM Medium: The medium refers to the method used to reach your audience. Common mediums include 'email', 'CPC' (cost per click), 'banner', or 'social media'.

  4. UTM Campaign: Specify the campaign name that this URL is associated with. This could be a specific product launch, a seasonal promotion, or a branding campaign like 'summer_sale' or 'new_product_launch'.

  5. UTM Content: This parameter can be used to differentiate similar content within the same ad or to test different creatives. For instance, 'logolink' or 'textlink' could be used to distinguish between clicks on different elements of the same campaign.

  6. UTM Term: Often used in paid search campaigns, this helps you track the keywords for which you’ve optimized the ad. Adding terms like 'running_shoes' or 'discounted_bags' can pinpoint the exact keyword driving the traffic.

After filling out these fields, users should click the 'Generate' button. The tool then produces a URL with the necessary UTM parameters appended. This URL can be used in your advertising or promotional efforts to track the effectiveness of each specific medium, campaign, or content piece.

Understanding the Results

The output of the UTM Builder is a URL that includes your original link with UTM parameters attached. For example, if your original URL is https://www.yoursite.com, and you fill out the fields as specified, your final URL might look something like this:


This URL helps in tracking the performance of your marketing campaigns across various channels. By analyzing the data collected from these URLs in your analytics platform (like Google Analytics), you can see how many visitors each source, medium, and campaign brought to your website, what content they interacted with, and which keywords were most effective in driving traffic.

The UTM Builder tool is thus a vital asset for any digital marketing professional looking to gain deeper insights into their marketing strategies and optimize their promotional efforts for better ROI. Using this tool effectively allows marketers to make informed decisions based on concrete data, ultimately enhancing their marketing initiatives.


Bruce Lam


Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.

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